Passion for quality and an eye to the future

Passion for quality and an eye to the future

We help our clients to take advantage of a constantly changing market scenario by identifying systems solutions and intelligent technologies that can enhance the performance of their company. Thanks to the wealth of experience and skills we have acquired over the years and our commitment to innovation and constant improvement, we are able to anticipate our clients' needs and prioritise solutions that use the most advanced technologies in terms of energy savings.

Why work with us


Our business is based on an approach of hard work and passion. Thanks to our wealth of solid experience, we can meet the needs of all kinds of clients, offering them our extensive know-how and the very best technology.


We seek to build a relationship of trust with our clients from the outset. We guarantee excellent operational efficiency and clear, transparent conditions.


Whatever the challenge, wherever the proposed site of the installation, we work to provide long-term bespoke solutions which look to the future and can create a real competitive advantage.

Piani Impianti s.r.l.

Via Vanoni, 90 A-B 23100 Sondrio (SO) Italia

phone. +39 0342 214101
fax. +39 0342 513910

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P.I. Morocco sarl.au

7, Résidence Rami Rue Sebta 2° Etage,
Bureau n. 8 - 20360 Casablanca (MA)

phone: +212 661-907628

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Piani Impianti s.r.l.
Via Vanoni, 90 A-B - 23100 Sondrio (SO) Italy

phone. +39 0342 214101 - fax. +39 0342 513910
info@pianiimpianti.it - pianiimpianti@legalmail.it

P.IVA 02633650128 - C.F./R.I. SO 00642940142
R.E.A. SO 45497
Iscr. Albo Imp. Artigiani SO 21284
Capitale Sociale i.v. € 90.000,00

P.I. Morocco sarl.au
7, Résidence Rami Rue Sebta 2° Etage, Bureau n. 8 - 20360 Casablanca (MA)

phone: +212 661-907628

N. R.C. 471345 - I.F. N. 45943084
Patente n. 36340819
ICE N. 002451450000061

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