Fire detection and extinguishing system, structural protection

Municipality of Bormio (SO) Car park in Via Peccedi

The job involved the upgrading to legal standards of the fire prevention system of the three-level underground public car park, so that it could obtain the fire-prevention certificate and be re-opened to the public.

Work carried out was both structural and the installation of mechanical and electrical systems: plastering and REI fire protection, replacement of fire doors, waterproofing, refurbishment of lighting and emergency systems and the general electricity control panel; new fire detection and alarm system, renewal of hydrant fire system, new sprinkler and ventilation systems.

Bormio (SO)

Municipality of Bormio (SO)


Piani Impianti s.r.l.

Via Vanoni, 90 A-B 23100 Sondrio (SO) Italia

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fax. +39 0342 513910

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P.I. Morocco sarl.au

7, Résidence Rami Rue Sebta 2° Etage,
Bureau n. 8 - 20360 Casablanca (MA)

phone: +212 661-907628

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Piani Impianti s.r.l.
Via Vanoni, 90 A-B - 23100 Sondrio (SO) Italy

phone. +39 0342 214101 - fax. +39 0342 513910
info@pianiimpianti.it - pianiimpianti@legalmail.it

P.IVA 02633650128 - C.F./R.I. SO 00642940142
R.E.A. SO 45497
Iscr. Albo Imp. Artigiani SO 21284
Capitale Sociale i.v. € 90.000,00

P.I. Morocco sarl.au
7, Résidence Rami Rue Sebta 2° Etage, Bureau n. 8 - 20360 Casablanca (MA)

phone: +212 661-907628

N. R.C. 471345 - I.F. N. 45943084
Patente n. 36340819
ICE N. 002451450000061

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