
Positions available


Hydraulics operator

We're looking for a hydraulics operator to join our team. Responsibilities will be the maintenance and installation of heating and air conditioning systems in industrial and civil buildings....


We are seeking freelancers with VAT registration for employment or collaboration with our technical/installation department.

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Piani Impianti s.r.l.

Via Vanoni, 90 A-B 23100 Sondrio (SO) Italia

phone. +39 0342 214101
fax. +39 0342 513910

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P.I. Morocco sarl.au

7, Résidence Rami Rue Sebta 2° Etage,
Bureau n. 8 - 20360 Casablanca (MA)

phone: +212 661-907628

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Piani Impianti s.r.l.
Via Vanoni, 90 A-B - 23100 Sondrio (SO) Italy

phone. +39 0342 214101 - fax. +39 0342 513910
info@pianiimpianti.it - pianiimpianti@legalmail.it

P.IVA 02633650128 - C.F./R.I. SO 00642940142
R.E.A. SO 45497
Iscr. Albo Imp. Artigiani SO 21284
Capitale Sociale i.v. € 90.000,00

P.I. Morocco sarl.au
7, Résidence Rami Rue Sebta 2° Etage, Bureau n. 8 - 20360 Casablanca (MA)

phone: +212 661-907628

N. R.C. 471345 - I.F. N. 45943084
Patente n. 36340819
ICE N. 002451450000061

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